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Home Markets Commodities Survey Shows Widespread Public Support for European Aluminium Industry

Survey Shows Widespread Public Support for European Aluminium Industry
added: 2009-04-30

As sustainable consumption and production, ecodesign, ecolabelling and energy efficiency objectives top the EU's legislative agenda, a Europe-wide survey commissioned by the European Aluminium Association (EAA)has revealed widespread support for the aluminium industry, with 84% of the respondents viewing aluminium as a vital resource for the future and over three quarters (77%) believing that it is vital to maintain aluminium production in Europe.

The survey was undertaken in early 2009 with the aim of assessing stakeholders' opinions and understanding of the aluminium industry in Europe. The survey achieved a satisfactory response rate of 32%, with responses from a broad cross-section of stakeholders including NGOs, politicians, journalists, academics, and government officials from ten EU countries, as well as Brussels.

"We are pleased with these findings. They support our long-held position that aluminium is the material of choice to address climate change challenges," said Rudi Huber, Chairman of the European Aluminium Association. "The aluminum industry will continue to tackle the global issues we are facing. We are committed to improving all facets of our industry, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the benefits of aluminium."

The survey also showed that 81% of interviewed stakeholders see recyclability as a key benefit to using aluminium in comparison to other materials. Not only is recycling seen as having a positive impact on the environment, but it is also considered a viable solution to European raw material shortages.

"The survey leads us to the conclusion that the overall awareness regarding the health and safety benefits of aluminium, as well as the energy efficiency of aluminium products, can and should be further promoted," states Patrick de Schrynmakers, Secretary General of the EAA. "For example, some stakeholders have declared not being sufficiently aware that lightweight cars containing aluminium can help protect lives and save gas, that aluminium packaging prevents food spoilage, and that aluminium window frames contribute greatly to high energy savings."

Thanks to its unique properties, aluminium is able to provide intelligent solutions for present and future generations. It is light-weight yet strong, durable and corrosion-resistant, formable, highly conductive, aesthetically pleasing and, above all, recyclable. The European Aluminium Association, founded in 1981, represents the European aluminium industry, from alumina and primary production, to manufacture of semi-finished and end-use products, right through to recycling. This industry currently employs around 255 000 people in Western Europe.

The survey was undertaken in January-February 2009 with the aim of assessing stakeholders' opinions and understanding of the aluminium industry in Europe. It involved NGO's, politicians, journalists, academicians and Government officials in Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, the UK and Brussels.

Source: PR Newswire

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